Saturday, May 10, 2008

so last night i was invited to a formal dance so i was unable to watch any sports. i missed the Jazz pull it together and win Game 3 against the Lakers. i also missed Malkin fire the puck past Biron to propel the 'Guins to a 4-2 victory.

However, what i did see was Richie Sexson (ex-Bison) charge the mound. the 6'8 Mariner was unhappy with a little chin music and decided to act. then he threw his helmet at the maybe 6'2 pitcher....his helmet! just run over and punch him in the face! well...he did that after, but there was no need to throw the helmet first. after the game "Big Sexy" himself said that throwing the helmet "was a chicken-shit move". i would have hoped he learned better brawl etiquette. 


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